by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Relationships
When I was working as a substance abuse counselor, relationships often developed something like this: guy meets girl, guy and girl immediately have sex with each other. Week 2: guy moves into girl’s trailer and meets girl’s kids. Week 4 or 5: Guy and girl are fighting...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Relationships
One of the issues I hear repeatedly is people saying they are afraid of conflicts so they avoid dealing with problems. Many people say they are afraid of what will happen if they approach the issue. People seem to believe that they have almost no choice in solving...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Relationships
I recently had the misfortune to slip and fall, causing a bruised knee, scuffed chin, broken nose, and two black eyes. This of course, became quite a joke for many of my friends and family. Jokes about my inability to stay upright, jokes about my incredibly tolerant...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Rape, Women
The media has managed to do it again. It’s no secret that I don’t agree with what is considered “news” or how the “news” is reported, but this time I am astonished at how far wrong the media has gone. While we, the United States, have stood tall and demanded that...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Parenting
Respect is an interesting concept. I often hear complaints from parents, teachers and school administrators, and legal officials that today’s teens don’t respect authority. Parents bring adolescents to my office complaining that their teen refuses to listen to rules...