by Kim Alberts | Jun 28, 2019 | Abuse
Too many women are willing victims in domestic violence by making and accepting excuses: He only hits me when he is drinking or tired.He always says he is sorry afterwards.I made him angry, it was my fault.Work is getting on him.He thought I was flirting with some...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Women
Brad Pitt called Angelina Jolie ’decision and posting about her choice to have a double mastectomy “heroic”. Jolie had the BRCA test done due to a family history of cancer and her own health concerns. She then sought out medical experts, had a double mastectomy which...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Sleep
So how did you sleep last night? Did you sleep like a log or did you toss and turn, staring at the ceiling for hours and watching the clock ease its way closer to the morning? Maybe you slept for a bit and awakened only to lay there thinking about everything you...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Sleep
It’s midnight and you are lying there wondering if you can safely take a sleeping pill. You are listing everything you have to do tomorrow and know you can’t afford to be exhausted. If you take a sleeping pill now, will you wake up with one of those awful...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Relationships, Religion
His name was James and we all called him Jim. But for some reason my son, Brian, called him Mr. James. I tried to correct Brian but Jim said very forcefully to leave him alone and to let Brian call him Mr. James if he wanted to. And so he remained Mr. James, long...