by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Finances
Our homes not only for shelter, they are a source of pride and an expression of who we are. Our decorating style, color and items used to accentuate reflects our personality, tastes, and interests. Great pieces can be found anywhere from yard sales and estate auctions...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Finances, Spirituality
Where does your sense of self and peace come from? What brings you comfort? Do you feel good about having the greatest and newest “stuff” of do you just feel good about life in general? Do you try to match what your family and friends have purchased lately or done in...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Anger, Anxiety, Death, Depression, Emotions, Suicide
A friend’s child committed suicide over the weekend. If you have never experienced a clinical depression, thank your lucky stars. People often say they are depressed, but until they have experienced clinical depression there is no real understanding of the severity...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Death, Relationships
There are times in our lives when a loss of someone leaves a hole in our heart that can never be repaired. We feel the loss as acutely as a pulled muscle or stomach ache that will not end. What we fail to realize is the heart is ever changing, and while that space may...
by Kim Alberts | Jun 27, 2019 | Parenting, Work
I told my husband we have failed as parents. Our kids are not motivated to get out there and work hard to improve themselves and to try and find extra jobs to earn an extra dollar. That’s our fault. We made excuses for them, gave them money as them needed it in the...